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Agnes Kukulska-Hulme

Open University
Reino Unido

Innovating Pedagogy

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme é professora de Learning Technology and Communication no Institute of Educational Technology (IET), Open University, onde lidera o programa de pesquisa e inovação Learning Futures. É especialista em mobile learning e liderou muitos projetos e participou em iniciativas internacionais, incluindo o projeto EU MOTILL "Mobile lifelong learning", o projeto EU MASELTOV "Learning Services for social inclusion of immigrants", o projeto financiado pelo British Council sobre "Mobile Pedagogy for English language teaching and on Marginalisation in low-resource contexts", e o projeto SALSA sobre "Language learning in urban settings for the next generation of smart cities". As investigações da Professora Kukulska-Hulme têm sido apoiados por financiamentos externos e por fundos da EU, The British Council, RCUK, UNESCO, Refugee Action, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Jisc, Commonwealth of Learning, MK Smart, Becta, TIRF, National College of School Leadership, Mellon Foundation, and Cambridge University Press.

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